Sunday, October 8, 2017

There’s No Time Like . . . Yesterday

So, yesterday morning I made a visit to the local BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicles) in order to buy myself an “early” birthday present. Yeah. “Happy birthday to me. Get tags for a fee.” I seriously believe that the state has no idea how birthdays are supposed to work.

Afterwards, I joined my wife in our sun porch for some coffee and a couple of donuts. Coffee and donuts. Either that is the perfect Saturday breakfast, or I unconsciously want to be a cop. . .

Anywho, during our conversation I came upon a great topic for my blog. So, I decided that I’d write about that. Tomorrow.

It’s tomorrow. And I have NO idea what that topic was. And even if I was able to determine it (my wife being a great resource for my memory losses), the impact of the topic is lost.

Back when my writing consisted mostly of poetry, I knew that if I felt an emotion, I would either need to drop everything and start writing, or that emotion would eventually dissipate and I would have nothing from which to write. In other words, my muse would walk out and I’d be left alone with nothing to work with.

The same thing applies to writing this blog; though this is more a pressure cooker relief valve than an emotionally creative outlet.

I guess the lesson is that if you do anything that gets its inspiration from something fleeting, you either make that doing a priority (drop everything - NOW), or you will lose the muse.

Are you the creative type? What do you do that is dependent upon “external” influences? Drop me a comment or reply. I’d love to hear it.

Now, what WAS it that I was planning on writing about?!?

© Emittravel 2017

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