Every once in a while, someone brings up the whole “let’s get rid of the Electoral College” shtick. Because, as you know, the popular vote is the desired method for those living in California and New York; states that feel they alone should determine the outcome of every Presidential election. And of course, that outcome should always be a Democrat.
Before I get into this too far, let me be clear: I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I belong to the largest voting block: Independents. In other words, I don’t belong to a minority party. Also, I voted for the person I felt best fit the job requirements for President. I didn’t vote based on gender, or whether or not the person was racist, sexist, or any other -ist. And I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
Now that that is out of the way…
The complaints concerning the Electoral College are from Democrats. The reason is that in most elections, they win the popular vote. Seldom does a Republican win the popular vote. Again, refer to the comment about California and New York in the first paragraph (both HEAVILY Democrat-voting states). If you remove both of those states, Republicans would normally win the popular vote.
The major difference between the two is that with the Electoral College, votes are not strictly based on population. This keeps the playing field level. Or, in a word that the Democrats prefer (in all areas EXCEPT voting), "fair". With the popular vote, the majority voice wins. And why the Democrats prefer it confuses me.
You see, Democrats believe that the minority voice should supersede the majority voice. The number of individuals that consider themselves LGBTQLMNOP, for example, are an EXTREMELY small percentage of the population, but their “feelings” should supersede the “feelings” of the rest of the country who, ironically, fall into Darwin’s preference for evolutionary success.
(Oops, sorry. I made the cardinal sin of dropping a little science here - and the only science that counts is what the liberal establishment considers valid - you know, like man-made climate change for example.)
So, to wrap this up, I feel that Democrats should be grateful that the Electoral College exists, and should quit whining over the popular vote. Because, in their mindset, the majority voted for Hillary Clinton, so they should be happy that Donald Trump won.
Or, to be even more accurate, Gary Johnson or Jill Stein should have become President.
But that would probably be taking things a bit too far…
© Emittravel 2018
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