Sunday, September 1, 2019

Quit Playing With Yourself and Drive!!

Not sure about you, but as I traverse the highways and biways of our great land, I notice that more and more people are driving with one hand on the steering wheel and their eyes focused on their laps.

I ride a motorcycle (as much as Ohio weather permits). Seeing the above has the unfortunate result of my butt cheeks firmly grasping the seat.

Did you know that all citizens of Israel have to spend approximately two years in national military service? Not only does that provide support for the security of the country, but it also provides some great skills: weapons handling, critical thinking, and a better sense of alertness for life happening around you.

Makes me think that everyone should be required to obtain a motorcycle license and drive one before/along with an automobile license. This would provide some great skills as well. Primarily, an alertness for life happening around you and a RESPECT for others on the road. As a rider, you are very alert of those around you who are not.

Officer: I pulled you over because you are driving recklessly. You are sitting at traffic lights after they go green so long that cars behind you are honking. That increases road rage, which leads to accidents. You are also drifting outside of your lane and not maintaining an assured clear distance from the car in front of you. Also, it is illegal to drive while texting, surfing the internet, checking Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Driver: But officer. I wasn't on my phone. Seriously. I would never drive illegally.

Officer: Okay. Then if you must play with yourself, please pull over. Don't drive distracted.

Because, you know, if you are driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other is in your lap, and your attention is focused on that hand in said lap, you are either on your phone or playing with yourself.

Do us a favor: If you are doing either, please pull over and finish. Your vehicle weighs (on average) between 2,979 and 4,366 pounds (1,354 and 1,985 kilograms). If you are driving 40 mph (since I'm sure 35 mph is just a suggested speed limit) (oh, and this stat comes from, it will take about 120 FEET to come to a complete stop on DRY pavement (that includes 40 feet just thinking about stopping - when you ARE paying attention).

Please don't be an idiot or a pervert. Drive!

©Emittravel 2019

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