Saturday, March 19, 2022

Where's That Little Mustache?

Ukraine. 'Nuff said. We all know what's been going on there. Well, maybe not.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has put the kibosh on his people's ability to know what's been going on. If anyone posts/says anything that does not agree with the state's version of the "news", they can be thrown into prison for 15 years. Why? Because he believes that the rest of the world is pushing "fake news" and that his people should only know the "pravda" (truth). ESPECIALLY when it comes to his invasion of Ukraine.

Oh, wait. It's not an "invasion" according to Putin.

Let's think about this for a moment. Only Putin's version is the truth and the rest of the world is "fake news". So, does that mean that Putin does NOT listen/read what the rest of the world is saying? Of course not. He DOES pay attention. Why? Because he KNOWS that the world is telling the truth. If he didn't, he wouldn't even listen. But no leader, especially when in a war, would ignore the news available to him. But his people? That's another story.

Putin knows the first rule of slavery: Keep them ignorant, because once they know what you know, YOU CAN'T FOOL THEM ANYMORE!

So, if you are in Russia and are able to read this, YOU ARE A SLAVE according to your despotic leader. And if you are in Russia and are unable to read this, there you are.

(And no, I'm not going to take the obvious path of pulling former President Trump into this. HA! Just kidding!)

Which reminds me: where IS his little mustache??

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