Sunday, May 8, 2022

No Fish On My Car

As I write this, the news is that the Supreme Court precedent of "Roe v. Wade" may be overturned. What this means is that a woman's right to choose to have an abortion will no longer be a Federal issue, but will be left up to the individual states. With many states already pushing laws limiting, or in some cases eliminating, abortions, you can see why this is such a hot topic.

Let me be clear, I really don't care whether or not "Roe v. Wade" stands or falls by the wayside. Why? Because, according to high school civics, the Supreme Court does NOT make the laws. That's the job of Congress. The Supreme Court's job is to interpret those laws in accordance with the Constitution. "Roe v. Wade" is not a law; it is a precedent. Like an Executive Order, it does not have the weight of a law and can be overturned by future courts (or Executives, in the case of the latter). 

Many on the "right" (Republicans / conservatives) have been playing footsie for years with challenges to the precedent. Such are the laws in the individual states. However, Congress has never made a LAW that states that a woman has the right to choose what she does with her body, including the right to an abortion. What is really needed is an amendment to the Constitution. But really, who wants to go to all that trouble (see the 18th and 21st Amendments and you'll understand the drug war)? 

Let me be clear: I am a Caucasian male who identifies as a Christian. Got it? Okay, continue. 

Christians are considered anti-abortion/anti-choice/pro-life (depending on which side of the subject you stand). And here is why: If abortions were "normal", Jesus may never have been born. 

Luke 1:35 - "The angel said to her, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God.'" 

What you just read is what Catholics call the "Immaculate Conception", because it was a conception and it was immaculate - no mess. 

According to Christian doctrine, every pregnancy is due to immaculate conception. If a woman has an abortion, she is killing something holy and pure. 

I'm kidding. The reason they call it the "Immaculate Conception" is that there was no penis involved (thus "no mess"). 

But apparently, those on the "right" believe the doctrine joke above. Why? Because EVERY law limiting a woman's right to choose has no impact upon the penis-bearer involved. And that too is Christian doctrine: 

John 8:3-6 "As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. 'Teacher,' they said to Jesus, 'this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?' They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger." 

The Bible does not state what Jesus wrote, but I've heard a few speculations. The best was He was writing the name of the MAN she was caught in adultery with. Think about it: it takes two to tango. 

We in the United States are anti-Sharia Law. It is Islam's legal system, derived from their holy book (Quaran) and other writings, and states such things like a woman has to be covered head to foot in public, a woman cannot walk around in public without a male family escort, and in many cases, cannot receive an education. I understand the reason behind Sharia Law: Islamic men are WEAK, COWARDLY, and have NO control over themselves. Instead of making laws to limit the MEN, they make laws to limit the WOMEN because the men can't control themselves. This is also known as a patriarchy. 

We too have a patriarchy for the same reason. We men here in the United States are also WEAK, COWARDLY, and have NO control over ourselves. Most of those involved in writing our laws are men, which explains the laws in the states impacting a woman's right to choose. Which is why we blame the woman for getting pregnant - as if they did it all by themselves. 

If you are a Christian reading this, the rest is directed at you. If you are not a Christian, and know a Christian, please pass this onto them as well. 

The title of this post is "No Fish On My Car". You may have seen a fish symbol decal on the back of the car in front of you. This symbol is stating that the person driving this car is a Christian. I have no such symbol on my car, though the driver is a Christian. Why? Because I don't always DRIVE like a Christian. 

2 Corinthians 3:2 "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;" 

Or, as Francis of Assisi said, "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."  

Ever see those protesters outside of an abortion clinic with signs stating life begins at conception (apparently WITH a penis)? Some even hold pictures of aborted fetuses. They, my friends are what are known as "hypocrites".  

James 2:15-16 "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, 'Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?" 

Want to claim to be pro-life? Want to legislate your religious morality? Then put your religion where your mouth is. Go to these women and tell them, "Here is a legal contract between you and me. You agree to carry this baby to term and I will PAY all of your expenses, drive you to all of your medical appointments, and hold your hand during the delivery. Afterwards, I will ADOPT this baby and raise it as my own. If you DO decide to keep it, I will PAY all of your expenses, drive the child to soccer practice, dance recitals, etc., and provide all needs until the child graduates college."  

If not? Shut your pie hole.  

How many are planning on removing that fish? 

©Emittravel 2022